A tragic incident unfolded at a southern Iranian airport, leading to the death of an aircraft technician. While testing the operational readiness of a plane, its right engine was activated, and the mechanic was tragically drawn into it.
The event occurred at Konarak Airport (ZBR/OIZC) in Chabahar, southern Iran. According to reports, the mechanic was pulled into the engine of a Boeing 737-500, resulting in instant death.
Aircraft mechanic Amiri Abolfazl was conducting a readiness check on the plane, which had earlier arrived from Tehran with passengers. During the inspection, the right engine was turned on, and a sterile area had been established to prevent injuries.
However, the mechanic noticed he had left a tool near the aircraft, which was undergoing engine tests. In an attempt to retrieve it, Amiri approached the engine, seemingly unaware that the tests had commenced. He was fatally sucked into the engine.
Furthermore, the engine caught fire, leaving the aircraft unusable. Bild reported that although rescue teams responded swiftly, they could not save the mechanic.
This incident adds to a series of similar tragedies. Last May, an individual was fatally injured by the engine of a KLM passenger plane at Schiphol Airport in the Netherlands, where passengers reported a "terrible noise coming from the engine."
Sending thoughts and prayers to the family and friends during this difficult time.
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