Monday 5 February 2024

Delta crew removes passenger for not wearing a bra

DELTA BOEING 757-232 N681DA (MSN 26957)

A Delta Air Lines (DL) passenger, who identifies as queer, alleges that they were removed from a recent flight for not wearing a bra, as airport staff accused them of violating Delta’s dress code. Lisa Archbold, a Kiwi expatriate residing in the United States, shared with reporters that their intention was to fly with Delta from Salt Lake City (SLC/KSLC) to San Francisco (SFO/KSFO) on the 22nd of January. However, shortly after boarding, a staff member summoned her and her travelling companions to the front of the plane and had them deplaned. Lisa, who had just concluded her involvement at the Sundance Film Festival, where she was assisting in promoting a liquor brand, initially believed she was in trouble due to her checked-in bag containing a few bottles of vodka.

When confronted by the Delta employee, Lisa realised that it was her clothing choice causing the issue. Describing the incident, Lisa shared “This woman from the ground crew comes to me and loudly says in front of the whole plane, ‘I need to speak to you in private now. Follow me.’” Lisa initially thought it might be a serious matter like someone’s death or a peculiar item found in their bag. However, the employee allegedly informed Lisa that Delta’s policy mandated the removal of individuals in “revealing clothes” and presented them with an ultimatum: either cover up with a jacket or leave the plane.

“I was dressed in baggy pants and a shirt like a little boy; I had no clue what she was referring to,” Lisa expressed. They asserted that they were singled out because of wearing men’s clothing and argued that the absence of a bra should be irrelevant to their travel eligibility. Lisa pointed out, “Neither were the men on that flight, and lots have bigger breasts than me.”

Sharing the experience on Instagram, Lisa posted, “I was singled out last week by a Delta Airlines ground crew. She removed me from a flight after everyone was seated, parading me around – humiliation and abuse.” 
“I am convinced it was because I don’t conform to her idea of how a woman should appear. She weaponized a policy to mistreat people who are different.”

A DJ and vocalist known by the stage name DJette Kiwi, Lisa mentions that Delta used to be one of their favorite brands, primarily due to its reputation for inclusivity. While Delta doesn’t have a specific dress code, the airline states that it reserves the right to remove individuals from its airplanes if their “conduct, attire, hygiene, or odor creates an unreasonable risk of offense or annoyance to other passengers.”

Lisa contends that this policy “exposes an inclusive company to the exploitation by bigots.”

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