The flight proceeded normally until 06:00 when an Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitor (ECAM) memo was displayed, accompanied by a master caution light, indicating a fault with the rudder limiter system. Captain Iriyanto followed the prescribed actions to rectify this issue and rebooted the aircraft's two Flight Augmentation Computers (FACs). The same fault reoccurred at 06:09, and the captain addressed it in the same manner.
At 06:11, the pilots turned fifteen degrees to the left avoid inclement weather and contacted Jakarta ATC to request a climb to 380 at 12,000 meters (38,000 ft) for the same reason. The controller could not grant immediate permission due to other aircraft in the vicinity and instructed them to wait.
At 06:11, the pilots turned fifteen degrees to the left avoid inclement weather and contacted Jakarta ATC to request a climb to 380 at 12,000 meters (38,000 ft) for the same reason. The controller could not grant immediate permission due to other aircraft in the vicinity and instructed them to wait.
While waiting for permission to climb, the rudder limiter problem occurred for third time, and for the time, the captain reset the FAC computers. the memo displayed for the fourth time, Captain Iriyanto decided to reset the FAC circuit breakers (CB). He had seen this action performed by a ground engineer and believed it was acceptable to do so in flight.
The FAC circuit breakers were reset at 06:16:45, with immediate consequences, as this action not only reset the FAC computers but also disconnected the autopilot and autothrottle, and the flight control law changed from Normal to Alternate. It allowed the aircraft to roll to the left, and by the time First Officer Plesel reacted to this it was banked at 54 degrees.
Plesel, possibly spatially disoriented due to the roll sensation, over-corrected twice: first by making a sharp right bank input and then a sharp left bank input. After that, at 06:17, Plesel made a nose-up input on his sidestick, causing the aircraft to enter a steep climb at a 24-degree nose-up pitch. The captain gave a confusing direction to "pull down", which 'bears an internal contradiction as “pull” suggests up, while “down” means down. In just 54 seconds, the aircraft climbed from 32,000 feet to 38,500 ft (11,700 m), exceeding a climb rate of 10,000 ft/min (50 m/s). It then entered a stall, at around 06:17:40, descending at a rate of up to 20,000 ft/min (100 m/s). The aircraft also began a turn to the left, forming at least one complete circle before disappearing from radar at 06:18:44. At 06:20:35 the flight data recorder stopped recording. The CVR stopped recording one second later, at 06:20:36. The aircraft crashed into the Java Sea and was destroyed. All 162 people on board were killed instantly upon impact.
The FAC circuit breakers were reset at 06:16:45, with immediate consequences, as this action not only reset the FAC computers but also disconnected the autopilot and autothrottle, and the flight control law changed from Normal to Alternate. It allowed the aircraft to roll to the left, and by the time First Officer Plesel reacted to this it was banked at 54 degrees.
Plesel, possibly spatially disoriented due to the roll sensation, over-corrected twice: first by making a sharp right bank input and then a sharp left bank input. After that, at 06:17, Plesel made a nose-up input on his sidestick, causing the aircraft to enter a steep climb at a 24-degree nose-up pitch. The captain gave a confusing direction to "pull down", which 'bears an internal contradiction as “pull” suggests up, while “down” means down. In just 54 seconds, the aircraft climbed from 32,000 feet to 38,500 ft (11,700 m), exceeding a climb rate of 10,000 ft/min (50 m/s). It then entered a stall, at around 06:17:40, descending at a rate of up to 20,000 ft/min (100 m/s). The aircraft also began a turn to the left, forming at least one complete circle before disappearing from radar at 06:18:44. At 06:20:35 the flight data recorder stopped recording. The CVR stopped recording one second later, at 06:20:36. The aircraft crashed into the Java Sea and was destroyed. All 162 people on board were killed instantly upon impact.
Its last recorded position was over the Java Sea, Karimata Strait, between the islands of Belitung and Kalimantan (3.3708°S 1096911°E). The aircraft crashed in the Java Sea, Karimata Strait, between the islands of Belitung and Borneo (3.623°S 109.712°E). The cockpit voice recorder captured multiple warnings, including a stall warning, sounding in the cockpit during the final minutes of the flight. No distress signal was sent from the aircraft. and rescue (SAR) operations were activated by the Indonesian National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) from the Pangkal Pinang office.
This is the first and only fatal plane crash of any of the AirAsia associates.
Aircraft Information
Airline: Indonesia Air Asia
Code: QZ/AWQ
Airline: Indonesia Air Asia
Code: QZ/AWQ
Aircraft: Airbus A320-216
Registration: PK-AXC
Serial Number: 3648
Engines: 2 x CFMI CFM56-5B6/3
First Flew: 25th September 2008
Age: 6.3 Years
Registration: PK-AXC
Serial Number: 3648
Engines: 2 x CFMI CFM56-5B6/3
First Flew: 25th September 2008
Age: 6.3 Years
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