A woman in Germany has revealed she’s “in a sexual relationship” with aircrafts — and she has taken 30 mini vacations in the last year just to share the skies with her soulmates.
Sarah Rodo, 23, claimed that after experiencing turbulence while trying to date fellow humans, she discovered true love while on her first-ever flight aboard a Boeing 737.
Since then, Rodo has “met” many planes — which she considers to be one “collective being” named Dickie. She added that she finds the wings of the plane are the sexiest part of the plane — and size doesn’t matter.
“I currently own three large models, [but] I also have many small models, over 60 in total, and they are custom-made,” the frequent flyer told NeedToKnow.online. “Many are from airlines or from travel agencies, with the larger models measuring between 49-inches and 63-inches long.”
Rodo, who said she’s spent nearly $4,267 on model airplanes, revealed that she identifies as objectum sexual. Yes, that’s a real thing. Also known as objectophilia, this particular love-match occurs when individuals develop strong sexual or romantic feelings for a specific inanimate object, according to a 2022 study published in the Spring Nature medical journal.
Some academics have theorized that the condition could be linked with autism spectrum disorder.
” I’m proud to be objectum sexual – it’s a wonderful sexuality,” Rodo said. However, Rodo lamented the fact that she can’t get any privacy with her lovers. ”The only sad thing is that I can’t be alone with a real plane,” lamented Rodo.
“I flew a lot in the last year to be with the Boeing as often as I possibly could. I took about 30 flights and always combined it with a city trip or vacation.”
Rodo said that she loves visiting new places with her high-altitude amour.
“With my love, I’ve traveled to Stockholm, Malmö, Copenhagen, Budapest, Vienna and Paris,” Rodo said, listing off their destination rendezvous. “I also often visited Katowice in Poland as a day tour.”
Despite not being able to share alone time with a plane, Rodo said that she makes up for it by sleeping with all of her models. The aviation lover also said that she has five different airplane tattoos on her body. “I also have five airplane tattoos,” stated the mile-high lover. “The newest is a 737-800 on the right forearm.”
Rodo said she’s “met a new plane” that might give her main squeeze a little competition.
“I also have a new bigger model that looks like Dickie, but he has more detailed wings . . . his name is Charlie,” said Rodo, coyly.
Despite the delays in her flight plan of spending time with Dickie, Rodo said she still hopes to one day walk down the tarmac with him.
“Currently there are small plans to get married to the 737 series. However, I will not move abroad,” said Rodo. “In the meantime, I have my models and will continue going on trips to hang out with planes.”
Story sourced from here.